
We’re here to sketch!

Thank you for joining up and visiting this site. We are all here to draw! Whether you want to get better at drawing, learn new techniques or improve on what you already know or you are seeking inspiration and guidance, you are in the right place!

I have been an artist since I was a little kid, but I never really allowed myself to label myself as such. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I started to get serious about drawing. Within a few months I had my first art show, shortly there after I received my first commission requests and have not looked back since! I have been able to grow a social media following of over 30k followers, gained representation through a local art gallery and have been busy with commissions and projects. Do I say all this to brag? No! I say this because before I really seriously considered myself an artist, I had none of what I mentioned above. My drawings went entirely un-noticed, and I allowed this to happen purely because I didn’t believe in myself. Once I did, it changed everything. This is part of what I hope to help you all with!

There are so many questions that I receive about this style of sketching. What kind of pens do you use? How long do these drawings usually take to produce? How do you get started? I plan to address all of these topics in detail as well as a slough of other topics ranging from motivation, inspiration, the business end of being an artist and many more. I hope you will find this site interesting, engaging and informative. Feel free to give me feedback or email me with questions.

Thank you!